Board of Directors and Duties

The Board of Directors is the governing body for NAEP New England. The Board is made up of individuals from the NAEP membership. Voting members serve fixed terms that are periodically elected by the members of record from each member institution.

Board positions are organized into three primary groups. For more information on how these positions are established, please consult the NAEP NE By-laws

Ascending Positions

Non-Ascending Executive Positions

Non-Executive Positions

PRESIDENT – Sara Veilleux, Tufts University

Incumbent: Lisa Fontes, Community College of Rhode Island

The President shall be the chief executive of the Association. He/She shall preside over board meetings and other meetings as deemed appropriate. With the exception of the Past President’s Advisory Committee, the president shall appoint committee chairpersons on an annual basis. He/She has primary responsibility for assuring the successful development, implementation and oversight of the annual conference and the annual conference site selection. The president serves as liaison with the national NAEP. The president also approves and communicates committee charges to the various committee chairpersons of the Association. He/She may designate other tasks to the board, committees and memberships as required. The president appoints committee chairpersons, and other special task forces as required.

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT – Joanna Curry, Berklee College of Music

Incumbent: Vacant

The Executive Vice President shall serve as liaison between the board and the professional development committee and is responsible for overseeing the development, marketing and implementation of all educational professional development programs/seminars and workshops. The executive vice president also assists the president with planning the annual conference and identifying conference subject matter and faculty. The executive vice president may be asked by the president of the association to chair the annual conference committee, or serve as a liaison between that committee and the board. The executive vice president serves in the absence of the president.

Chair: Annual Conference Program Development Committee

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT – Eric Swanson, Brown University

Incumbent: Vacant

The First Vice President shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all business meetings and other meetings as deemed necessary unless designated to another board or committee member. All minutes shall be submitted for approval at the next board meeting. The First Vice President is responsible for overseeing the publishing of all association communication, unless designated to another board member, in accordance with board approval guidelines.

ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT – Fernando Prieto, Bentley University

Incumbent: Vacant

The Associate Vice President shall be responsible for maintaining the membership database. He/she shall also be responsible for collection of membership dues and publication of the membership directory. He/she will assist the First Vice President with his/her duties. Member of the Marketing and Membership Committee.

TREASURER – Paula Doyle, Bryant University

Incumbent: Vacant

The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing the Association’s banking accounts. The authorization limits and procedures to expend funds from these accounts will be determined by the general guidelines issued by NAEP and by officers of the Association. The Treasurer assists the president in preparing all budgets. The treasurer shall provide all appropriate financial reports as required by NAEP. He/she presents a written report on the financial condition of the Association to the membership at the annual conference. The principal address of the Association shall be the employment address of the Treasurer.

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – Lisa Fontes, Community College of Rhode Island

The Immediate Past President serves as chairperson for Past Presidents’ Advisory Committee. He/she serves as the chair of the nominating committee. The immediate past president consults with the President as needed and serves as an ex officio member of the board except in those cases when a vote of the officers of the association results in a tie.

Chair: Past Presidents Advisory and Nominating Committee


CHIEF OF STAFF – Jesse Mader, Southern New Hampshire University

The Chief of Staff supports the Board of Directors in an advisory role, and provides requested guidance with all Board duties and responsibilities.

Members At Large are chosen to perform duties as assigned by the President and assist in all aspects of each programming and conference hosted by NAEP-NE.

  • Cheryl Young, Southern New Hampshire University
  • Kim Tanzi Harpin, Providence College
  • Abbi Hasselbach, Brown University
  • Nick Muzyka, Western Governers University
  • Amit Shaw, Boston College